Project Scope

The Westside TAD Strategic Implementation project area consists of the Vine City and English Avenue neighborhoods, located to the west of downtown Atlanta. The project goal was to create a cohesive, sustainable vision that will guide future redevelopment, build human capital and increase job creation as an economic strategy. The scope of the project included project management, conducting market analysis, developing financing strategies, recommending strategies for implementation, supportive services, and marketing and branding.

Our Work

APD-U reviewed over a dozen previous planning and transportation initiatives that had been developed for the project area. The team also conducted extensive neighborhood and stakeholder meetings, which served to reinforce what was important for the citizens of the Vine City and the English Avenue neighborhoods. The plan reviews along with neighborhood demographics, market conditions, existing city projects and public input served as a base for analyzing redevelopment opportunities in the area.


APD-U compiled recommendations for the implementation of the vision in the Final Report. The document included:

  • Specific project area recommendations based on redevelopment opportunities, with next steps outlining what is needed for the projects to be implemented
  • Comprehensive stabilization strategy
  • Job training and new job opportunities that will be beneficial to the long-term health of the community
  • Land use, design and historic preservation guidelines that will aid in preserving the current fabric of the community.
  • Partnership and funding opportunities for specific projects
  • Policy framework to protect and enhance the lives of current residents.
Free Consult
Get in touch with us to discuss your project.