Project Scope

APD Urban Planning & Management participated on a Team of national consultants that had the responsibility of managing three key Planning Districts as part of a citywide effort to develop a unified plan of action to rebuild New Orleans. Within two of the three districts, Hurricane Katrina severely damaged homes, businesses, and much of the infrastructure that supported these districts.

Our Work

This unprecedented rebuilding effort required not only documenting existing conditions, but also incorporating the concerns of residents into a comprehensive plan that identified priority development projects. APD had the responsibility of managing an important public involvement process and designing a housing strategy for each of the three Districts. The public involvement work included organizing Citizen Advisory Groups, Neighborhood Workshops, and public meeting forums. What was learned about each District was used to create a community vision, redevelopment goals, and strategies for housing.


  • Prioritized community development projects
  • Project profiles for each priority project, which included:
    • The area of impact
    • The project description
    • The anticipated outcome
  • The first round of project funding was awarded in the first quarter of 2007
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