Project Scope

Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) retained RKG Associates and APD-U to perform a rental housing study. M-NCPPC wanted to garner a detailed understanding of the current and potential market conditions influencing rental housing within Montgomery County, MD. The intent of the analysis is to identify policies, programs and strategies to ensure the County’s rental housing supply/demand equilibrium is optimized.

Our Work

As part of their role on the consulting team, APD-U conducted a Neighborhood Level Assessment that identified locations in the county where affordable rental housing could be developed or preserved. To identify these locations, APD-U examined best practices, analyzed regional and area data and identified general census designated places (CDPs). Using this understanding of the CDPs, APD-U identified and analyzed specific neighborhoods typologies to use as test areas for potential affordable rental housing policies.


  • Methodology and Approach for Neighborhood Assessment
  • Best Practices Memo
  • Neighborhood Level Policies and Recommendations
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