Project Scope

The Laney Walker and Bethlehem Neighborhood Plan is a part of a multiphased approach with a goal to provide the residents, stakeholders, developers, and local government leaders with a strategic plan to guide revitalization and sustainability of the community. Beginning in December 2007, a process was initiated to create an accurate picture of the existing physical conditions and issues in both neighborhoods, which was used to guide an approach to redevelopment, growth, and sustainability in the Laney Walker and Bethlehem neighborhoods.

Our Work

The findings, strategies, and recommendations outlined in the Housing and Economic Development Implementation Plan are based on extensive research of the existing socio-economic and physical conditions in Laney Walker/Bethlehem, our team’s experience in planning and redevelopment in neighborhoods with similar issues and opportunities as Laney Walker and Bethlehem, and community participation based on stakeholder interviews, advisory committee meetings, and public meetings.


  • Prepared a Public Engagement Plan to guide long-term consultation through all phases of the plan
  • Prepared an Implementation Plan designed to provide specific project area recommendations
  • Created illustrations detailing what the project areas could look like
  • Outlined actions steps designed to encourage both short- and long-term reinvestment strategies.
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