Project Scope

The City of Dothan commissioned a comprehensive affordable housing study to assess the current state of affordable housing in the City based on existing conditions and market realities. The City also wanted several implementable action strategies to address affordable housing gaps identified by the assessment.

Our Work

The project was organized into three (3) major phases: Overview, Analysis, and Implementation. The Overview phase created an understanding of Dothan’s housing market through the review and aggregation of existing plans, data, and findings from community and stakeholder outreach. The Analysis phase included the collection of conditions data for over 14,000 parcels, a Parcel Analysis, and a comprehensive market analysis. These activities informed the development of an objective, strategic decision-making process to help narrow priority housing development areas. The concluding deliverable informed the city of needed resources, timetables, and responsibilities needed to implement outlined strategies.


  • Parcel Analysis of land uses, conditions, and tenure.
  • Homeowner and Renter Profiles illustrating relationship between income and price appropriate housing.
  • Roles and Responsibilities Matrix for implementation strategies for each project priority area.
  • Drafted a Community Champions program outlining roles, responsibilities, and activities.
  • Mobile Citizen’s Guide that summarized the plan’s finding and could be used by residents and stakeholders as a tool to advocate for Plan recommendations.
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