Project Scope

The Atlanta Housing Authority engaged APD-U for the design of a 50-acre site abutting their multifamily project in the Vince City Neighborhood, Magnolia Park. The site plan would be developed through several design charrettes with the final site plan and development program used for marketing purposes to attract project funding and guide future development.

Our Work

APD-U facilitated a master planning charrette to discuss design and development potential for adjacent properties to the Client site. Maps and drawings were prepared beforehand to guide design discussion with AHA staff, interested developers, and potential funding partners. The end results was an illustrated, to-scale masterplan and development program for the site with a refined typology board to inform the types and styles of preferred building products.


  • Large format maps and project boards to guide the discussion during the design charrettes
  • Illustrated, to-scale masterplan for 50-acre site in Vine City
  • Development program for residential, mixed-use, and commercial properties within the site.
  • Finalized design typology boards to guide architectural style and type or preferred building products.
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