Project Scope
The Settegast/East Houston project area is a mature neighborhood in northeast Houston. It is surrounded by railyards and industrial uses, just north of the I-610 loop highway. The project goal was to create a cohesive, sustainable strategy to guide future investment in a large undeveloped area, build community consensus and address anti-displacement strategies for long term residents. The scope of the project included project management, a market scan, infrastructure cost estimates and financing strategies, a neighborhood framework plan an illustrative plan for the undeveloped area, and strategies for implementation.
Our Work
Previous plans and studies were reviewed for the project area. The team conducted neighborhood, steering committee and stakeholder meetings, which influenced the final plan strategy. The neighborhood existing land uses, demographics, market conditions, city policies and public input were all encompassed into the final development strategy.
Existing conditions reports on history, previous plans, land use, demographics, and environmental review.
• Synopsis report of all community engagements.
• Land use, urban design, and architectural analysis.
• Neighborhood-wide framework plan for improvements, specific plan for undeveloped area including concepts and illustrative drawings.
• Introduction of green space, sustainability measures, and housing typologies for the undeveloped area of the neighborhood.
• Partnerships and funding opportunities, implementation recommendations, and partial development pro forma.